Identifying Proactive Solutions To Protect Your Interests
Preparations for a wedding often call for legal steps to be taken. Clients embarking upon their first or subsequent marriages, who hold significant assets or inheritances, or earn substantial income come to Carol Joyce Solomon, P.A. Attorney at Law, for help with prenuptial agreements.
While prenuptial agreements are not romantic, they are vital to protecting assets and income, and to limiting liability with regard to payment of alimony and debts. The laws on property distribution and alimony ebb and flow. For that reason, it is imperative to attempt to protect income and benefits as well as assets, including passive and active enhancement and interest on those assets. Let Ms. Solomon help protect your assets and income so you can embark upon married life with confidence and peace of mind.
For advice regarding a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement, contact the firm at 954-255-5333.
Important Information About Pre- And Postnuptial Agreements
Prenuptial agreements have their place in a marriage. However, postnuptial agreements can be as, or more, important. Lawyers do not have a crystal ball to see into the future. Life can take many unexpected turns. Those wishing to modify a prenuptial agreement or protect assets acquired following a marriage, which were not contemplated prior to the marriage, should strongly consider entering into a postnuptial agreement. Similarly, spouses who, due to economic downturns or upswings or for a variety of other reasons, believe a prenuptial agreement is unfair and/or no longer suits the marriage, should consider entering into a postnuptial agreement.
It is important to note that contracts/agreements often supersede law in that they are typically enforced even when they provide far more or less than Florida law. This is not the case when there is proof of fraud, duress, coercion and other explicit reasons. To that end, people must enter into such agreements with caution and a full understanding of the implications of signing a domestic contract in Florida.
At Carol Joyce Solomon, P.A. Attorney at Law, attorney Solomon encourages clients to be thorough when considering what the future holds. Property may increase in value through passive and/or active enhancements. Property may also be sold, transferred and/or replaced with newly purchased assets following the ceremony.
Prenuptial agreements are not guarantees, nor can they cover every aspect of a marriage. However, a written agreement can make the divorce process easier should the marriage end. A detailed document can save time and money by allowing a couple to move seamlessly into life’s next chapter.
Contact The Firm To Learn About The Benefits These Agreements Provide
The firm’s Coral Springs office is conveniently located for Broward County and Palm Beach County residents. Schedule your free, 30-minute in-office consultation when you call Ms. Solomon at 954-255-5333.