Providing The Responsive Representation You Need
Experienced family law attorney Carol Joyce Solomon comes from a family of lawyers. Her father, sister, and cousins and their spouses have devoted their lives to the practice of law. Carol Solomon’s goal is to counsel her clients through challenging times and assist them in making the best possible decisions for themselves and their families with regard to the legal aspects of their divorce and related issues such as custody, child support and alimony.

Practice Areas
Division Of Property
Child Custody
Child Support
Your children need and deserve both emotional and financial support from both parents. Ms. Solomon will zealously pursue an appropriate amount of child support based upon Florida’s Child Support Guidelines, timesharing, and other factors that may be unique to your case.
Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements
A prenuptial or postnuptial agreement can save you thousands of dollars in legal fees and the distress that results from battling over assets and income. Find out if entering into an agreement before or after marriage would be advantageous to you. Ms. Solomon will explain the law and whether such an agreement would be beneficial to you by applying the law to your particular circumstances.
Your children deserve all of the advantages in life that two parents can offer. If the parties were never married, paternity needs to be adjudicated formally so that both parents are able to establish timesharing and other rights. Child support is also based upon factors that include timesharing. Ms. Solomon can provide guidance with regard to your legal options in a paternity action.
Identifying Cost-Effective Solutions
Battles over child custody and support can create a contentious situation that can be expensive to resolve, sometimes requiring the services of guardians ad litem, therapists and/or parenting coordinators. By providing reasonable, flat rates for uncontested divorces — some as a result of prenuptial agreements — Ms. Solomon allows clients to take control of the decision-making process, reduce stress on the family and save money.
Contact Ms. Solomon To Learn About Her Extensive Services
At Carol Joyce Solomon, P.A. Attorney at Law, Ms. Solomon offers free initial 30-minute consultations at the Coral Springs office, easily accessible from I-95 and the Florida Turnpike.